Furuno MU-201CE 用户手册

页码 8
3. Menu Functions 
This section of the manual describes each function of each menu in detail. Each 
paragraph represents a given menu. On the left, an image shows all items that 
can appear in that menu, while on the right an item by item description is given, 
in the same order as shown at the screen. Each paragraph is named after the 
menu it represents, and the icon for that menu is shown near the menu name. 
Please note that the numeric values shown in the boxes are meaningless and do 
not represent values that are meant to be valid. When using the equipment, the 
GUI will allow or disallow some values to be entered depending on the current 
Also note that no item is shown as selected. Although every possible item is 
shown in the images, not all of them may be shown on the equipment's GUI 
when using it, because each item is shown only if certain conditions are met.   
Information menu 
Input resolution 
This box shows details of the signal that is currently 
displayed. The values shown are: horizontal 
resolution (pixels), vertical resolution (pixels) and 
vertical refresh frequency (Hz). The content of this 
box cannot be changed. 
Detected mode 
The value displayed in this box cannot be changed 
and informs the user about the numeric identifier 
associated with the signal displayed. This is useful 
to establish if two given input signals have identical 
parameters or not. 
Firmware version 
This box cannot be selected, and its value cannot 
be changed. It informs the user about the version of 
the firmware programmed into the monitor.