Little Wonder 2/1/1970 用户手册

页码 18
–  Evaluate the terrain to determine how to safely 
perform the job. Only use accessories and 
attachments approved by the manufacturer. 
–  Be sure the area is clear of pets and people, 
especially young children. Never assume they 
will remain where you last saw them. Stop the 
machine if any enter the area.
Operator preparation and training
Read the Operation & Safety
–  If an operator or mechanic 
cannot read English, it is 
the owner's responsibility 
to explain this material to 
them.  If any portion of 
this material is unclear, 
contact your factory 
representative for clarification. 
–   Become familiar with the safe operation of the 
equipment, operator controls and safety signs.  
Be prepared to stop the engine quickly in an 
emergency.  Do not operate or allow another 
person to operate this machine if there are any 
questions about safety.
–  All operators and mechanics should be trained. 
The owner is responsible for training the users. 
–  Wear appropriate clothing, including safety 
goggles or safety glasses with side shields when 
operating.  Wear substantial footwear.  Do not 
operate barefoot or wearing open sandals. Long 
hair, loose clothing or jewelry may get tangled in 
moving parts.
–  Wear appropriate hearing protection.  
_  Wear dust mask to avoid breathing dust.
–  Wear safety glasses.
–  Never allow children, unskilled or improperly 
trained people to operate this equipment. Local 
regulations can restrict the age of the operator.
–   Keep warning labels and this operator's manual 
legible and intact. Replacement labels and 
manuals are available from the factory. 
–   Do not operate machine while under the 
influence of drugs or alcohol, or any other 
condition of impairment.
–  The owner/user can prevent and is responsible 
for accidents or injuries occurring to themselves, 
other people or property. 
–  Keep a safe distance between operators when 
working together.
–  Do not tamper with or defeat safety devices. 
Keep guards, shields and interlock safety devices 
in place and in proper working condition.  They 
are for your protection.
–  Keep all fasteners such as nuts, bolts and pins 
well secured. 
–  Verify that machine and attachments, if any, are 
in good operating condition.