Lucent Technologies 560-201-113 用户手册

页码 96
Installing and Configuring the PassageWay
Service Provider
New PassageWay Service Provider
This section applies to new PassageWay Service Provider users. If you have
an existing version of the PassageWay Service Provider or PassageWay
Solution, proceed to the next section, “Upgrading the PassageWay Service
Provider or PassageWay Solution.”
If you are a new PassageWay Service Provider user, perform the following
make sure that you have all of the PassageWay Service Provider
make sure that you have the required hardware and software to run
the PassageWay Service Provider.
necessary information to set up the PassageWay Service Provider.
  4.  Connect your PassageWay adapter to your PC and your telephone by
  5.  Install the PassageWay Service Provider by performing the