Garmin Flight Deck 100 用户手册

页码 688
Embraer Prodigy
 Flight Deck 100 Pilot’s Guide
190-00728-04 Rev. A
The GTS 850 uses the symbology shown in Table 6-17 to depict intruding traffic.
Traffic Advisory (TA).
Traffic Advisory out of the selected display 
range.  Displayed at outer range ring at 
proper bearing.
Proximity Advisory (PA)
Non-Threat Traffic
Table 6-17  GTS 850 Traffic Symbols
A Traffic Advisory (TA), displayed as a yellow circle, alerts the crew to a potentially hazardous intruding
aircraft, if the closing rate, distance, and vertical separation meet TA criteria. A Traffic Advisory that is beyond
the selected display range (off scale) is indicated by a half TA symbol at the edge of the screen at the relative
bearing of the intruder.
A Proximity Advisory (PA), displayed as a solid white diamond, indicates the intruding aircraft is within
±1200 feet and is within a 6 nm range, but is still not considered a TA threat.
A Non-threat Advisory, shown as an open white diamond, is displayed for traffic beyond 6 nm that is
neither a TA or PA.
Relative  altitude,  when  available,  is  displayed  above  or  below  the  corresponding  intruder  symbol  in
hundreds of feet (Figure 6-114). When this altitude is above own aircraft, it is preceded by a ‘+’ symbol; a
minus sign ‘-’ indicates traffic is below own aircraft.
A  vertical  trend  arrow  to  the  right  of  the  intruder  symbol  (Figure  6-114)  indicates  traffic  climbing  or
descending at least five hundred feet per minute with an upward or downward-pointing arrow respectively.
Relative Altitude
Vertical trend arrow
Figure 6-114  Intruder Altitude and Vertical Trend Arrow
Flight IDs may also be displayed with traffic symbols; see the Flight IDs discussion in this section for more
The  GTS  850  automatically  suppresses  the  display  of  on-ground  traffic  equipped  with  Mode  S