Navionics 10C 用户手册

页码 273
Creating a waypoint
Using the joystick, move the cursor on the position desired
and press ENTER  to insert a waypoint.
To enter further waypoints, move the cursor and press ENTER.
The new waypoint will be appended to the existing route.
Up to 99 waypoints per route can be entered, also by using the
GOTO functions available from the main menu.
Deleting the last waypoint
Press  CLR. If the last waypoint is out of screen, the “DELETE
WP? ENTER = YES” message will be displayed.
Press  ENTER  to confirm the deletion.
Deleting a waypoint
Use the joystick to position the cursor on the waypoint to
delete and press the CLR  key.
Deleting all waypoints in a route
Press the CLR  key repeatedly until the “NO WP PRESENT”
message is displayed.
Moving a waypoint
Position the cursor exactly on the waypoint to move; press
to capture the waypoint, then move the waypoint to the
position desired and confirm the operation by pressing ENTER.
Inserting a new waypoint in a route
Position the cursor exactly on the route leg to edit and press
to capture the leg.
Once captured, the leg will show a thicker line to distinguish
it more easily from the other route legs. A window will also
show the leg captured and its length.
Move the manual cursor to the position desired, insert the
new waypoint and confirm by pressing ENTER.