Cisco Systems 1.0 (1) 用户手册

页码 291
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide 
How to Use the System Interrogate Screen   88 
How to Use the System Interrogate Screen 
Use the System Interrogate screen to view information about the current system. 
You can: 
•  View system information on: 
i.  Operating system and hardware 
ii.  ICM node 
iii.  Third-party products 
•  Save current system information to a file 
To open the System Interrogate screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Web 
Tools > System Interrogate. 
To View System Information 
To view operating system and hardware information for the current system: 
1.  Click the Interrogate System button. The screen displays: 
OS/Hardware Information 
Field: Description: 
OS Type  
The operating system and the partition on which the OS is installed. 
OS SP Level  
OS Service Pack number. 
OS Version  
OS build number and service pack. 
CPU Info  
Processor type and speed in Mhz. 
Total Physical Memory 
Amount of physical memory installed on the system. 
Free Physical Memory 
Amount of physical memory not in use at the time of the query. 
Total Virtual Memory 
Total amount of virtual memory the system is configured to support. 
Free Virtual Memory 
Amount of virtual memory available at the time of the query. 
Disk Space 
Disk space available and used on all local disk drives. 
Page File Size 
Maximum size of the paging file. 
ICM Information