Bungie Myth SoulBlighter 用户手册

页码 81
When you move a unit to a certain area, he will stay there and await fur-
ther instructions - unless he is attacked, in which case he will chase down
his attacker. If you would like a unit to move to a spot and remain there no
matter what, use the Holding function. Select a unit, click the spot where
you want him to stay, then hit the Hold key. He will stay rooted to the spot
(although he will attack any enemy who wanders into range). The default
Hold key is G.
Note: if a projectile unit is attacked, he will not stay in place, but will
retreat to a safe distance and open fire.
It is often useful to scatter a
tightly clustered group of units
when they come under attack
from dwarves or other enemies
with massive destructive
potential. To quickly scatter a
group of units, select them and
hit your Scatter key. The default
Scatter key is B.
Sometimes fighting to the death is not an option...not a smart option any-
way. Select a unit or group of units and hit your Retreat key; they will
retreat from the nearest enemy. The default Retreat key is R.
It’s important to control the direction your units are facing. Formations are
oriented by the direction in which characters are facing, and units looking
the wrong way will die quickly if an enemy approaches from the rear.
For this reason, you can control their facing by selecting a formation and
hitting the left or right arrow key to rotate the entire formation to the
left or right. Even before units have arrived at the area you want them to
form up, you can fine-tune the direction they’ll face when they get there.
Unit Facing
Select a unit, hold the mouse button, and drag in the direction it should face.
Formation Facing
Select a unit, or units, then click on the ground with the right mouse but-
Bungie Software Products Corporation