Honeywell NetAXS 用户手册

页码 109
Configuring via the Web Server
Configuring the System
2.4.2  Outputs Tab
An output, or output relay, is a switch on the panel that either energizes or de-energizes or pulses an 
output device, such as a door lock or an LED. For example, a successful card read at a reader (input 
device) causes the output relay switch on the panel board to change the normal state of a door lock 
(output device), so that the normally locked door strike releases and permits entry. This tab configures 
the lock and reader LED output relays, either as individual (discrete) outputs or groups of outputs.
Click the 
 tab. The Lock > Discrete tab window appears, enabling you to configure an 
individual lock output. Select the output number in the dropdown list at the top of the screen. Note that 
lock and reader LED outputs are associated with each of the four doors on a NetAXS™ panel. 
Figure 2-13:   Discrete Lock Output Configuration 
To view a configuration of a group of outputs, click 
 and select the group number from the 
dropdown list at the top of the screen. The group configuration appears. Note that you can only view