Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Adv WS TIDLBPDES 用户手册

页码 360
Move one group to another 
To move the selected group to another group or to the root 
1.  In the groups tree, click the group to move the selected group to. You can move any type of 
custom group (either static, or dynamic) to another custom group of any type, or to the root 
The root folder of the machines tree contains groups of the first level. Groups that include other 
groups are called parent groups. Groups that are in parent groups are called child groups. All the 
backup policies applied to the parent group will be applied to its child groups as well. 
2.  Click OK
Editing custom groups 
Editing a custom group is performed in the same way as creating (p. 293) one.  
Changing the type of group will result in its conversion. Any custom group can be converted to a 
dynamic group if it was static, and vice versa. 
When converting a static group to dynamic, provide grouping criteria. All the members that exist 
in the static group that do not match the provided criteria will be removed from the dynamic 
When converting a dynamic group to static, two options are available – either to leave the 
current content of the group or to empty the group. 
Group details 
Aggregates in two tabs all information on the selected group. Allows performing operations with the 
policies applied to the group. 
This information is also duplicated in the Information panel. 
Displays the following information on the group: 
Name - name of the selected group 
Parent group (for subgroups only) - name of the parent group 
Machines - number of machines in the group 
Type - type of the group (static, or dynamic) 
Criteria (for dynamic groups only) - grouping criteria  
Comments - the group description (if specified) 
Backup policies 
Displays a list of backup policies related to the group and allows performing the following operations: 
View details of a policy 
 View details
In the Policy details (p. 279) window, examine all information related to the 
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