Infocus IN2112 用户指南

页码 45
Using LitePort (IN2114 & IN2116 only)
LitePort displays a slide show of JPEG images stored on a USB flash drive 
connected to the projector. This feature eliminates the need for a computer 
source and can be integrated with common wall plates and conference room 
input/output panels.
Image File Types
LitePort displays image files in JPEG format only (file extensions .JPEG and 
.JPG). Other file types including PDF, BMP, TIFF, PNG, GIF, etc. are 
Viewing a Slide Show
To view your pictures as a slide show, follow these steps:
Connect a USB flash drive to your computer and copy JPEG files from 
your computer to the USB flash drive.
Turn on your projector if needed. 
Remove the USB flash drive from your computer and plug it into the 
LitePort connector on the rear of the projector.
The projector will start a slide show of the images found (if you see 
image thumbnails instead, see To Start the Slide Show section below).
To go to the next image in the slide show, press the Down or Right 
arrow button on the projector keypad or remote. To go to the previous 
image, press the Up or Left arrow button.
Controlling LitePort
When you plug a USB flash drive into the projector's LitePort connector, the 
projector will scan the drive and then either start a slide show or show 
image thumbnails.
To stop the slide show and view thumbnails: 
Press the Select button during the 
slide show. In Thumbnails view, the name of the current folder, the current 
image number, and the total number of images in that folder are shown at 
the bottom of the screen. While viewing thumbnails, press the arrow but-
tons to scroll through the thumbnails, or press Select when an image is high-
lighted to start the slide show, or press Select when a folder is highlighted to 
open that folder.
To start the slide show: 
While viewing thumbnails, press the arrow buttons 
to highlight a thumbnail, then press the Select button to start the slide show 
at the highlighted image.
To change the image during the slide show: 
Press the Down or Right button to 
go to the next image, or press the Up or Left arrow button to go to the previ-
ous image (the slide show may also advance automatically depending on 
the value of the Next Slide setting; see the LitePort Menu section below for 
To change to a different folder:
 While viewing thumbnails, press the arrow  
buttons to highlight the desired folder icon, then press the Select button (to 
go to the higher-level folder, select the folder icon labeled "Up").
To change LitePort settings:
 Press the Menu button during the slide show, or 
while viewing thumbnails (see the LitePort Menu section below for details).
Using the LitePort Menu
To show the LitePort menu, press the Menu button on the keypad or remote 
during the slide show, or while viewing thumbnails. To highlight a menu 
item, press arrow buttons. Then to do the action or change the setting, press 
Select. To remove the menu, press the Menu button again.
Rotate Picture:
 Rotates the current image by 90 degrees clockwise (rotation is 
temporary; the image returns to its original orientation when the USB flash 
drive is removed from the projector or when the projector is turned off).
Stop/Start Slideshow:
 Stops the slide show, or starts it at the selected thumb-
nail (when the menu is not visible, you can also stop or start the slide show 
by pressing the Select button).
Go to Projector Main Menu: 
Removes the LitePort menu and displays the 
projector's main menu, where you can adjust the picture or change other 
projector settings.