Lexmark W810 用户指南

页码 236
Connectivity and network management
Tri-port card
The printer does not come with standard serial support. You can, however, add a serial 
port, infrared port, and a LocalTalk port to the printer by installing a tri-port card. You can 
install a tri-port card, illustrated in the following figure, in one or both ISPs on the printer 
system board.
If you install two tri-port cards, you can use only one infrared and one LocalTalk connec-
tion. You can, however, use both serial connections. The following top-level menus are 
available at the operator panel when a tri-port card is installed:
LocalTalk Menu
Infrared Menu
Serial Menu
Fax Menu
For more information on printer menus and settings, see “Changing printer settings” on 
page 27.
Serial port
The serial port on the tri-port card provides a RS-232C/RS-422A 25-pin D-shell female 
connector. The maximum speed of the port is 115,200 baud. You can select either 
LocalTalk port 
Serial port
Infrared port
Tri-port card