Franklin ic-106 用户手册

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    This Pocket PDR™ contains excerpts of product information
provided by drug manufacturers covering indications, contraindi-
cations, warnings, adverse reactions, dosage and administration,
and how supplied. Precautionary material, information on clinical
pharmacology, and certain other items not included. Be sure to
consult the printed edition of PDR® and its supplements in the
event of questions.
    Product information published in Pocket PDR™ has been
prepared by the manufacturers of the drugs. The function of the
publisher is solely the compilation, organization, and distribution
of this information. Drugs listed in Pocket PDR™ are available
only by prescription. Patients should consult a physician before
using any of the medications.
    In making manufacturers’ information available, it should be
understood that the publisher is not advocating the use of any
product or dosage described. And while every effort has been
made to assure that this electronic version conforms with the
drug manufacturers’ originals, neither the publisher, Medical
Economics Data Inc., nor the producer of this unit, Franklin
Electronic Publishers, Inc., warrant that the information is
accurate, that the unit will perform without interruption or free of
errors, or that the information contained therein satisfies
government regulations requiring drug product information
disclosure, nor shall they be liable for any claim arising out of or
relating to use of Pocket PDR™. For additional information on
limitations of liability and warranty disclaimers, consult the
accompanying License Agreement and Limited Warranty. All use
of this product is subject to the terms and conditions of the User
License. Information in this Digital Book is current through the
1993 edition of PDR. For later revisions, always check the latest
PDR or PDR supplement.
Pocket PDR™. Copyright © 1993 Medical Economics Data Inc.
Copyright © 1993 Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc.
Publishers’ Note