RCA vr622hf 用户指南

页码 56
Your VCR has automatic tracking which removes the streaks or
snow from the picture. Automatic tracking is activated when you
insert a tape or turn on the VCR. Occasionally you may need to
manually adjust tracking, especially if the tape was recorded on a
different VCR. Just use the TRACKING buttons to remove the
streaks or snow. You can also use tracking when you PAUSE a
tape to reduce jittering of the picture.
When you manually adjust the picture, automatic tracking is
turned off. To turn automatic tracking back on, press both
TRACKING buttons on the front of the VCR at the same time, or
eject the tape and reinsert it.
Tracking has no effect during recording—only playback.
Audio Set-up Features
The audio set-up features enhance your tape playback and
recordings. The features in this section are accessed through the
AUDIO menu and are shown in the displays below.
Press MENU to bring up the VCR MAIN MENU.
1 VCR Plus+
2 Timer Recordings
3 Time
4 Channels
5 Preferences
6 Audio
7 Language
0 Exit
Press 6 to display the AUDIO menu.
1 Reception:     STEREO
2 Tape Playback: HI-FI
0 Exit
Now you are ready to select an item from the menu to set up.