HTC rhyme 用户指南

页码 342
Scanning a code
Scan a code printed on most surfaces or even those displayed on
computers and other devices.
1. Point HTC Rhyme at the code.
2. Wait for HTC Rhyme to focus on the code and scan it.
3. Depending on the information scanned, you can view prices of the
same product on online stores, save the information, or more. The
following are some of the items that can be scanned:
Compare prices among online retailers and find
out which stores nearby sell the same product.
To better locate these stores, Wi-Fi or data
connection and GPS must be turned on.
Web site
View the URL on the browser.
The contact information appears as a new entry
in the People app. Tap Save if you want to keep
the information.
Phone number
The number appears in the Phone app. Tap Call
to dial the phone number.
SMS message
The information appears as a new message in
the Messages app and the phone number of the
receiver is specified . Tap the text box to edit
the message, and then tap Send.