HTC Touch 用户手册

页码 260
Experiencing Multimedia  221
To apply a preset
Select the Equalizer check box to 
enable the equalizer.
Tap the list box then select a desired 
12.8  Using FM Radio
FM Radio allows you to listen to FM radio stations on your device. Since FM 
Radio uses the provided stereo wired headset as an antenna, you must plug 
in the headset first onto the earphone jack of your device before you open 
the program. You can switch between the wired headset and speaker when 
listening to FM.
To open FM Radio
Tap Start > Programs > FM Radio.
The first time this program is used, it will automatically scan for 
available FM channels in your area, save them as presets, then play 
the first FM station found. For information about saving favorite 
stations as presets, see “Saving presets.“
When you tap the Exit icon on the top right of the FM Radio screen, the 
program continues to run in the background and allows you to continue 
listening to the radio while you use other programs. To turn off the FM radio, 
 on the upper left corner of the FM Radio screen.