Netopia 3220-h 用户指南

页码 202
Cayman 3220-H User’s Guide
Monitoring Your Cayman 3220-H
December 2000
Using the 
Diagnose Utility
The Diagnose utility runs a series of internal checks and loopback 
tests to verify network connectivity over each interface on your 
Cayman 3220-H. To run the Diagnose utility, click the 
button on the Monitor window.
Figure 5-16  
Diagnose Utility Window
The Diagnose window displays the results of each test as the utility 
runs. If one test is dependent on another, the Diagnose utility 
indents its entry in the Diagnose window. For example, the Diagnose 
utility indents the Check IP connect to Ethernet (LAN) entry, since 
that test will not run if the Check Ethernet LAN Connect test fails.
Each test generates one of the following result codes:
The test was successful.
The test was unsuccessful.
The test was skipped because a test on which it 
depended failed.
The test timed out without producing a result. Try 
running the test again.