Roland g-70 业主指南

页码 260
 Recording Styles from scratch
G-70 Music Workstation 
To keep things easy, let’s start with the drums of the 
MAIN [1] Division.
(9) Press the [REC¥TRACK] field and use the 
[DATA÷ENTRY] dial to select the track you wish to 
record to.
Select “AccDrums”. This causes the display to change 
as follows (because there are more options for drum 
Now select a pattern. Let’s start with MAIN [1]:
(10) Press the [REC¥DIVISION] field and use the 
[DATA÷ENTRY] dial to select “Main 1”.
Working with clones
On this page, you can use two clone functions that 
allow you to record one part and copy it to up to four 
divisions and three Modes each. The “=” sign means 
that more than one pattern will be recorded.
(11) Use the [REC¥DIVISION¥MODE] field to select the 
This parameter allows you to specify whether you are 
about to record the accompaniment for major, minor 
or seventh chords. If you listen to the Styles prepared 
by Roland, you will notice that there are slight differ-
ences in the looped patterns – and sometimes strik-
ing differences for Intros and Endings, with com-
pletely different phrases. Such variations can be pre-
pared using the REC DIVISION MODE parameter.
Let us use the following settings, which mean “record 
the major pattern and copy it to all MAIN Divisions”. 
Thus, with one recording, you will obtain 3 (Major, 
minor, 7th) x 4 (MAIN 1, 2, 3, 4)= 12 identical drum 
Another important aspect is sound selection because 
the addresses of the sounds and Drum Set you select 
are recorded at the beginning of each division. 
(12) Press the [TRACK¥INSTRUMENT] field and select a 
Drum Set.
• Press a TONE button on the front panel and press the 
field of the desired sound. If you don’t like it, press 
another field.
• If you are still not happy with the Tone, use the 
[PAGE¥1]~[PAGE¥5] and [˚] fields to select the corre-
sponding page (if available).
Note: The [SRX¥EXPANSION] and [HARMONIC¥BAR] sounds are 
not available for Style tracks. The AccDrums track can only use 
Drum Sets (so that only the [DRUMS] button of the TONE pad is 
Play a few notes on the keyboard to check whether 
the sounds of the selected Drum Set are suitable for 
the accompaniment you are going to record. Try 
other Drum Sets until you find the one that sounds 
Note: See “Drum Instrument & Pitch” on p. 188 for details 
abut the NRPN DRUM and PITCH parameters. These are only 
available for ADrum tracks.
If you want to use the accompaniment in a musically 
meaningful way, you need to tell the G-70 what key 
you are recording in. This is to ensure that the chords 
you play during everyday use of your Style with the 
G-70’s Arranger lead to the correct realtime transpo-
sitions of the selected Division.
The G-70 allows you to record Styles in any key. But 
do set the KEY parameter to the right value before 
Note: The key of the AccDrums part cannot be set (because 
that doesn’t make sense).
(13) Press the [KEY] field and use the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial 
or the [DEC]/[INC] buttons to set the key. 
If you want to record in F
#, set this parameter to “F#”; 
to record in A, you must set this value to “A”, etc.
The field next to [KEY] allows you to transpose the 
keyboard in octave steps, which may be convenient 
for extremely high or low notes – or for using the 
special “noises” of certain sounds.
Selecting the track, the Mode and the Division
Tone selection
Specifying the key (for melodic parts)