Roland g-70 业主指南

页码 260
 Editing MIDI parameters
G-70 Music Workstation 
● MIDI—Song or Style playback can be started or stopped 
with MIDI real-time messages (Start, Stop, Clock) 
received from an external clock source.
● Remote—The Recorder/sequencer (SONG) or Arranger 
(STYLE) waits for a start message to start playback at its 
own tempo. When it receives a stop message, playback 
stops. External clock messages are ignored.
The Basic channel is used to receive and transmit 
Program Change and Bank Select messages for 
selecting User Programs, as well as for the reception 
and transmission of other kinds of messages that are 
not directly related to a specific MIDI channel (such 
as the PART SWITCH function, for example). Note 
that if you select another channel, messages 
intended for the BASIC parameters use might also 
cause other parameters to change when you don’t 
want them to. 
● CHANNEL—Use this parameter to assign a MIDI transmit 
channel to the “Basic” channel. If you don’t want these 
messages to be transmitted, switch off the [TX¥ON÷OFF] 
● PART SWITCH—Whenever you mute or un-mute a part 
on the Mixer pages (Keyboard parts) or on the STYLE 
MAKEUP TOOLS/VOLUME page, your G-70 sends an 
NRPN message that describes your action. Not sending 
these messages may be useful to keep your external 
sequencer from recording them – or the receiving GS 
module from muting the part assigned to that channel.
● USER PRG PC—This parameter is used to enable or dis-
able the transmission of program change and bank 
select messages related to User Program selection.
● CHANNEL—Use this parameter to assign a MIDI receive 
channel to the “Basic” channel. If you don’t want these 
messages to be received, switch off the [RX¥ON÷OFF] 
● PART SWITCH—Whenever you mute or un-mute a part 
on the Mixer pages (Keyboard parts) or on the STYLE 
MAKEUP TOOLS/VOLUME page, your G-70 sends an 
NRPN message that describes your action. You can keep 
the G-70 from responding to such messages to avoid 
that external instruments mute its parts.
● USER PRG PC—This parameter is used to enable the 
reception of program change and bank select messages 
relative to User Program selection.
● MASTER VOLUME—This parameter allows you to enable 
or disable the reception of Master Volume messages that 
would change the G-70’s overall volume. This is an 
exclusive message common to all newer MIDI devices.
The STYLE channel is used for receiving program 
change and bank select messages that select Styles 
and volume messages that change the Style’s vol-
ume. These two message types can only be filtered in 
the RX column (i.e. you can specify whether or not to 
receive them). 
The MIDI address of a Music Style consists of three 
elements: a CC00 number, a CC32 number and a pro-
gram change number. The values assigned to CC00 
and CC32 define the Style, whereas the program 
change number defines the Division (Intro, Ending, 
etc.). See also the “Parameter Reference” booklet sup-
plied with your G-70.
Sending only a program change number selects 
another Division of the currently active Style. Be 
aware, however, that only sending CC00 and CC32 
messages (without a program change) has no effect.
Note: When you select another Style on your G-70, it trans-
mits a CC00-CC32-PC cluster on the Style channel, which you 
could record using an external sequencer.
● CHANNEL—Use this parameter to assign a MIDI transmit 
channel to the STYLE function. If you don’t want these 
messages to be transmitted, switch off the [TX¥ON÷OFF] 
● CHANNEL—Use this parameter to assign a MIDI receive 
channel to the STYLE function. If you don’t want these 
messages to be received, switch off the [RX¥ON÷OFF] 
● STYLE PC—Program change and bank select messages 
for Style selection. Switch this button icon off if the 
G-70 must not select other Styles and/or Divisions.
● STYLE VOLUME—Volume messages relating to the Music 
Styles. Switch this button icon off if the G-70 must not 
receive them.
BASIC parameters
STYLE parameters