Roland g-70 业主指南

页码 260
Editing the Keyboard effects processors
G-70 Music Workstation 
• Press the field of the parameter you wish to change 
(the number of fields and their functions depend on 
the selected type).
[CHORUS LEVEL] allows you to set the output level of 
the Chorus processor. Setting this parameter to “0” 
means that you no longer hear the effect in question.
[OUTPUT] allows you to specify where the processor’s 
output signal should go: to the MAIN outputs 
(“Main”), the Reverb processor (“Rev”) or both 
(“Main+Rev”). The latter two options mean that the 
chorus signal is also processed by the reverb effect 
you select.
● Filter Type (Off, LPF, HPF)—This allows you to specify 
whether or not the incoming signal should be filtered 
before being processed by the chorus. This may be help-
ful to avoid a cluttered sound image or to preserve the 
“punch” of bass signals. Select “OFF” you don’t need any 
filtering. “LPF” cuts the frequency range above the “Cut-
off Freq”. “HPF” cuts the frequency range below the 
“Cutoff Freq”.
● Cutoff Freq (200~8000Hz)—Basic frequency of the fil-
ter. This has no effect if you select “OFF” as filter type.
● Pre Delay (0.0~100.0 ms)—Adjusts the delay time from 
the direct sound until the chorus sound is heard.
● Rate Sync (Hz, Note)—Use this parameter to specify 
whether (“Note”) or not (“Hz”) the modulation rate 
should be synchronized to the Arranger or Recorder 
tempo. Depending on your choice, the setting range of 
the following parameter refers to a speed (Hz) or a note 
● Rate [Hz] (0.05~10.00Hz)
Rate [Note] (1/64T, 1/64, 1/32T, 1/32, 1/16T, 1/32., 1/
16, 1/8T, 1/16., 1/8, 1/4T, 1/8., 1/4, 1/2 T, 1/4., 1/2, 
1/1 T, 1/2., 1/1, 2/1 T, 1/1., 2/1)—Specifies the modula-
tion speed. This can be either a frequency (Hz) or a note 
value, depending on how you set the “Rate Sync” param-
eter above. “T” means “triplet” and a “.” refers to a dotted 
note. “2/1” means that each cycle takes two measures/
bars. The advantage of working with a note value is that 
the chorus will undulate in sync with the current 
Arranger or Recorder tempo.
● Depth (0~127)—This parameter sets the depth at which 
the chorus sound is modulated. Higher values result in a 
more pronounced modulation.
● Phase (0~180 [deg])—Spatial spread of the sound (i.e. 
the “stereoness” of the effect).
● Chorus Feedback (0~127)—This parameter sets the 
level at which the chorus sound is re-input (fed back) 
into the chorus. By using Feedback, a denser Chorus 
sound can be created. Higher values result in a greater 
feedback level.
● Pre LPF (0~7)—Cuts the high frequency range of the 
sound coming into the chorus. Higher values will cut 
more of the high frequencies.
● Level (0~127)—Output level of the chorus signal.
● Feedback (0~127)—Adjusts the amount of the chorus 
sound that is fed back into the effect.
● Delay (0~127)—Adjusts the delay time from the direct 
sound until the chorus sound is heard.
● Rate (0~127)—This parameter sets the speed (fre-
quency) at which the chorus sound is modulated. Higher 
values result in faster modulation.
● Depth (0~127)—This parameter sets the depth at which 
the chorus sound is modulated. Higher values result in a 
more pronounced modulation.
● Reverb Send (0~127)—This parameter sets the amount 
of chorus sound that is sent to the Reverb processor. The 
value “127” effectively allows you to connect the chorus 
and reverb effects in series (Chorus before Reverb). If you 
do not want the chorus signal to be processed by the 
Reverb effect, set this value to “0”.
● L/R/C Delay Sync (msec, Note)—Use this parameter to 
specify whether (“Note”) or not (“msec”) the delay time 
should be synchronized to the Arranger or Recorder 
tempo. Depending on your choice, the setting range of 
the following parameter refers to a time (msec) or a note 
● L/R/C Delay [msec] (0~1000ms)
L/R/C Delay [Note] (1/64T, 1/64, 1/32T, 1/32, 1/16T, 1/
32., 1/16, 1/8T, 1/16., 1/8, 1/4T, 1/8., 1/4, 1/2T, 1/4., 1/
2, 1/1T, 1/2., 1/1, 2/1T, 1/1., 2/1)—Specifies the delay 
time. This can be either a time value (“msec”) or a note 
value, depending on how you set the “Delay Sync” 
parameter above. “T” means “triplet” and a “.” refers to a 
dotted note. “2/1” means that each repetition comes 
after two measures/bars. The advantage of working with 
a note value is that the delay effect always runs in sync 
with the current Arranger or Recorder tempo.
● C Feedback (–98~+98%)—Adjusts the proportion of the 
delay sound that is fed back into the effect. Negative (–) 
settings invert the phase.
● HF Damp (200~8000Hz, Bypass)—Adjusts the fre-
quency above which sound fed back to the effect will be 
cut. If you do not want to cut the high frequencies, set 
this parameter to BYPASS.
● L/R/C Level (0~127)—Volume of each delay line (there 
are three – left, center and right).
(7) Press the [EXIT] button to return to the main page.
Note: Do not forget to save your settings to a User Program if 
you want to keep them.
Parameter values can be set by turning the 
[DATA÷ENTRY] dial, by pressing the [DEC]/[INC] but-
tons or by pressing the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial and using 
the on-screen numeric pad. 
Chorus 1~3 and Flanger parameters
GM2 Chorus parameters
Delay parameters