Roland g-70 用户指南

页码 56
 OS Version 2
G-70 Music Workstation 
Note: If you assign several song tracks to the same Style track, 
a bullet (“
●”) appears next to the Style track name in the table 
to indicate that the Style track in question is already assigned 
to another song track. (Though this is perfectly possible, the 
result is usually not convincing.)
If necessary, press the [INIT¥VALUE] field to return to 
the default assignments if that produces the best 
result after all.
Auditioning the tracks
Press the [Jump≈to≈1st≈note] field to jump to the first 
note of the selected song track (the one that appears 
on a blue background). Playback starts automatically 
from that point and you will hear all song tracks. 
Press the RECORDER [PLAY÷STOP¥®÷ª] button to stop 
playback (or to start it again).
Note: If the selected track contains no data at all, playback is 
started from the very first song measure.
Muting tracks
Sometimes, it may be necessary to mute certain parts 
so as to concentrate on what the other tracks do, and 
to decide which tracks should be converted into a 
Music Style. To do so, press the [MUTE] field and then 
the lines of the song tracks you don’t want to hear. 
Such tracks are flagged with an “M”.
Press the [MUTE] field again to switch off the func-
tion of the same name.
To listen to one track in isolation, press the [SOLO] 
field and the field of the track you want to solo, then 
start playback. This mutes all other tracks, while the 
selected track is flagged with an “S”. 
Press the [SOLO] field again to switch off the func-
tion of the same name.
(6) Press the [CONVERT] field to jump to the following 
Here, you can listen to the selected tracks, specify 
which excerpt should be extracted and set the pat-
terns that should contain the selected data. The most 
logical order for proceeding is as follows:
(7) Press the RECORDER [TOP¥|√] button, followed by 
[PLAY÷STOP¥®÷ª] to start song playback.
[FWD] and [BWD] are also available for rewinding and 
(8) While listening to the song, press the [MARK¥A] 
field at the beginning of first measure to be con-
verted, and [MARK¥B] when the G-70 reaches the 
last measure you need.
Alternatively, you can stop playback, press the FROM 
[A] or [B] “display” field and enter the measure num-
ber with the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial or the [DEC]/[INC] 
(9) Stop playback by pressing [PLAY÷STOP¥®÷ª].
(10) Switch on the [LOOP] button icon.
This function allows you to listen to the selected 
excerpt (between [A] and [B]) repeatedly. 
That way, you can check whether the last notes of 
your pattern-to-be allow for a smooth transition to 
other Music Style patterns, or sound natural when 
the pattern is repeated. Sometimes, quantizing the 
last few notes of an excerpt may be helpful to avoid 
including notes that were played a little ahead of the 
beat (and therefore sound on the last beat you con-
(11) Press the RECORDER [PLAY÷STOP¥®÷ª] button to 
start playback.
The selected passage is repeated over and over until 
you stop playback. 
(12) If necessary, use the [MUTE] and [SOLO] fields to 
temporarily switch off or isolate certain tracks. 
This is only for checking purposes. The on/off status 
does not affect the selection that will be converted. 
The [INITIALIZE¥STYLE] field on this page is usually 
used only once: before converting the first song 
tracks. If you don’t use this field, the tracks you con-
vert are added to the Style data already present in 
the G-70’s Style RAM area. If you need to start from 
scratch, however (to create an entirely new Style)…
• Press the [INITIALIZE¥STYLE] field.
• Press the [TEMPO] and use the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial or 
the [DEC]/[INC] buttons to enter the desired value.
• Press the two TIME SIGNATURE fields (one after the 
other) and use the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial or the [DEC]/
[INC] buttons to enter the desired value.
Note: This is your first and last chance to specify the new 
Style’s time signature. The only way you can do this is by ini-
tializing the Style RAM area. So be sure to set this value before 
your very first conversion. (The Style’s time signature can also 
be changed using the Style Composer, however, but that forces 
you to change modes.)
• After setting everything to your liking, press the 
[EXECUTE] field to initialize the Style RAM area.
(Press [CLOSE] to leave this page without initializing 
the data in RAM.)
Initializing the Style RAM memory