Roland V-Synth GT 快速安装指南

页码 56
AP-Synthesis (Articulative Phrase Synthesis) is one of the new features on the V-Synth GT. It en-
ables performance expression that exceeds the realism of sampling.
A new method of expression that’s neither sampling nor modeling
A new method of expression that s neither sampling nor modeling
AP-Synthesis is a completely new method of sound generation; it does
not merely sample and reproduce the sound of an acoustic instrument, 
but actually models the way that an instrument responds to being played.
In a big step up from merely seeking realism in the sound waveform 
itself, this method meticulously models the way in which the sound
produced by the instrument responds to how the instrument is played.
While conventional physical modeling sound generators modeled an
instrument’s “structure” (the shape of its resonant body, the length of 
the tube, or the material of the vibrating object), AP-Synthesis models 
the “responses” or “operations” that are typical of that instrument being 
played, such as trills, portamento, vibrato, or dynamics.
This means that the synthesizer is not restricted to simply reproducing the “sound,” but is also able 
to reproduce the “expressions” and “operations” that are typical of each instrument.
The V-Synth GT models the way in which the sound responds to playing technique on several 
categories of solo instrument that have particular expressive power: the saxophone, the fl ute, the
erh-hu (a traditional Chinese instrument), and the violin. A trill played on a fl ute, a glissando on 
a violin, and special techniques such as vibrato or crescendo can be expressed simply by play-
ing the keyboard, without your having to be conscious of them, allowing you to create humanly
emotional performances in a realistic way.
For example by applying the “violin” phrase model to the “violin” source wave, you can obtain a
realistically expressive solo violin sound that’s just like what a violinist would play—simply by
playing the keyboard in the conventional manner.
What is  AP-Synthesis?
Glissando technique