Utstar pcs1400 用户指南

页码 128
Never rely solely upon your wireless phone for essential communications (e.g.,
medical emergencies), if it can be avoided, since a wireless phone requires a
complex combination of radio signals, relay stations and landline networks for its
operation.  Consequently, emergency calls may not always be possible under all
conditions on all wireless phone systems.  Your wireless phone, however, may
sometimes be the only available means of communication at the scene of an
accident.  When making an emergency call, always give the recipient all necessary
information as accurately as possible.  Never terminate an emergency call until
you have received clearance to do so.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires wireless carriers to
transmit specific latitude and longitude location (Automatic Location
Identification = ALI) information as well as “911” calls to Public Safety Answering
Points (PSAPs) to identify the location of the caller in case of emergency.
Generally, the rules require that carriers identify an E911 caller’s location within
50 meters of the actual location for 67 percent of calls and within 150 meters of
the actual location for 95 percent of calls.
PCS1400CE’s ALI Capability
The PCS1400CE is an ALI-capable phone equipped with a GPS (Global Positioning
System) receiver supporting a satellite-based GPS ALI-capable network to comply
with the FCC’s ALI requirements.