Crown 1160ma 用户指南

页码 44
page 13
CH and CL Series Power Amplifiers
Operation Manual
2.7.9 All Models: How to Parallel the 
Inputs in Stereo Mode
There are three ways to feed the same signal to each 
amplifier channel:
1. Buy a “Y” cable. Plug the female end into your 
signal cable, and plug the split male ends into both 
amplifier inputs.
2. Feed your signal to the Channel-1 input (either 
barrier-block or XLR/Combo). Connect a jumper 
wire (Figure 2.18) between the barrier-block Chan-
nel-1 (+) screw terminal and the Channel-2 (+) 
screw terminal. Connect another jumper wire 
between the Channel-1 (–) screw terminal and the 
(–) screw terminal.
3. Feed your signal to the Channel-1 input screw 
terminals. CH1, CH2, CL1 only: Using a male 
XLR-to-male XLR cable, connect Channel-1 XLR 
connector to Channel-2 XLR connector. CH4, CL4 
Using a stereo phone-to-phone cable, con-
nect Channel 1 Combo connector to Channel 2 
Combo connector.
2.8 Connect to AC Mains 
Connect your amplifier to the AC mains power 
source (power outlet) with the supplied AC power 
cordset. First, connect the IEC end of the cordset to 
the IEC connector on the amplifier; then, plug the 
other end of the cordset to the AC mains. 
WARNING: The third prong of this connector 
(ground) is an important safety feature. Do 
not attempt to disable this ground connec-
tion by using an adapter or other methods.
Amplifiers don’t create energy. The AC mains volt-
age and current must be sufficient to deliver the 
power you expect. You must operate your amplifier 
from an AC mains power source with not more than 
a 10% variation above or a 15% variation below the 
amplifier’s specified line voltage and within the 
specified frequency requirements (indicated on the 
amplifier’s back panel label). If you are unsure of the 
output voltage of your AC mains, please consult 
your electrician.
2.9 Startup Procedure
Use the following procedure when first turning on 
your amplifier:
Turn down the level of your audio source. 
Turn down the level controls of the amplifier.
Turn on the “Power” switch. The Power indica-
tor should glow. 
Turn up the level of your audio source to an 
optimum level.
Turn up the Level controls on the amplifier until 
the desired loudness or power level is 
Turn down the level of your audio source to its 
normal range.
If you ever need to make any wiring or installation 
changes, don’t forget to disconnect the power cord.
For help with determining your system’s optimum 
gain structure (signal levels) please refer to the 
Crown Amplifier Application Guide, available online 
2 Setup
Figure 2.18  Jumper Positions to Parallel the Inputs