Garmin m5 参考指南

页码 70
iQue M5 Que Applications Guide
Changing Color
Tap the Color Mode drop-down menu to change 
between three modes for different lighting conditions. 
Auto switches between Day and Night color modes at 
sunrise and sunset. You can also turn off the color-
change notification when in Auto mode.
Changing Map Detail
If QueMap appears too cluttered, tap the Map Detail 
drop-down menu to change the amount of detailed 
information that appears on the map. Note that 
changing map detail does not change the amount of 
detail stored in your iQue M5.
Off-Road Navigation
When you are traveling on roads, the iQue M5 shows 
your location on the nearest road to compensate for 
variations in GPS accuracy. Select At GPS Location 
when traveling off-road to customize your iQue M5 for 
off-road travel.
Viewing Map Information
Tap Manage to view the detailed maps currently stored 
on your iQue M5. You can view which map regions are 
installed and show or hide them. You can also delete 
your basemap or all detailed maps. 
Tap Detailed Maps or Basemap 
and then tap Delete to remove 
them from your iQue.
Tap to hide or 
expand maps.
Tap to hide/
show detailed 
map regions.
show map
hide map