Garmin 530 用户指南

页码 198
6 - wpt pages
STEP 3 & 4: Use the small and large right 
knobs to enter the name of the reference waypoint. 
Press ENT and the cursor moves to the radial 
(RAD) fi eld.
STEP 5: Use the small and large right knobs to 
enter the radial from the reference waypoint to the 
new user waypoint.
Creating User Waypoints
To create a new user waypoint by referencing an existing waypoint:
1.  With the User Waypoint Page displayed, press the small right knob to activate the cursor.
2. Use the small and large right knobs to enter a name for the new waypoint and press ENT.
3. Rotate the large right knob to highlight the fi rst reference waypoint (REF WPT) fi eld.
4. Use the small and large right knobs to enter the identifi er of the reference waypoint. The reference 
waypoint can be an airport, VOR, NDB, intersection or another user waypoint. Press ENT to accept the 
selected identifi er. 
5.  The cursor moves to the radial (RAD) fi eld. Use the small and large right knobs to enter the radial from 
the reference waypoint to the new user waypoint. Press ENT to accept the selected radial.
6.  The cursor moves to the distance (DIS) fi eld. Use the small and large right knobs to enter the distance 
from the reference waypoint to the new user waypoint. Press ENT to accept the selected distance.
7. Rotate the large right knob to highlight “Create?” and press ENT.
8. Press the small right knob to remove the fl ashing cursor.
NOTE: The GNS 530 allows you to create a new user waypoint at a defi ned radial and distance 
from your present position. To reference your present position, follow the steps above, but 
press CLR in step #4. “P.POS” appears in the reference waypoint (REF WPT) fi eld to indicate 
that radial and distance information references your present position.
The second reference waypoint fi eld (REF WPT) is a temporary reference only — not a refer-
ence that is stored with the user waypoint. You may also use this in conjunction with the fi rst 
reference waypoint to create a position using the intersection of two radials. By default, this 
fi eld displays a radial from the nearest VOR. However, you can select any waypoint — by 
iden ti fi  er — to use as a reference in this fi eld.
Your GNS 530 can store user-defi ned waypoints which are generated from other equipment in 
your panel. For example, an EFIS equipped with joystick inputs can be used to create user way-
points which (if your installation supports this) automatically transfer to your GNS 530.
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4/11/2003, 8:53:14 AM