Garmin 530 用户指南

页码 198
7 - nrst pages
STEP 3 & 4: Highlight the identifi er of the desired 
airport and press ENT to display the database 
information — beginning with location and fuel.
STEP 5: To display additional database in for -
ma tion, press the small right knob to remove the 
cursor, then rotate the small right knob to select 
the desired page.
VORs, NDBs and Intersections
To view additional information for a nearby airport:
1.  Select the Nearest Airport Page, using the steps outlined on page 114.
2. Press the small right knob to activate the cursor.
3. Rotate the large right knob to scroll through the list, highlighting the identifi er of the desired airport.
4. Press ENT to display the Airport Location Page for the selected airport.
5.  To view additional WPT pages for the selected airport (including the Airport Runway and Airport Frequency 
Pages) press the small right knob to remove the fl ashing cursor. Rotate the small right knob to display the 
ad di tion al WPT pages. When fi nished, press the small right knob to return the fl ashing cursor to the screen.
6.  To return to the Nearest Airport Page, verify that “Done?” is highlighted by the fl ashing cursor and press ENT
(or press CLR).
Nearest Intersection Page
The Nearest Intersection Page displays the identifi er, symbol, bearing and distance to the nine nearest 
intersections (within 200 nautical miles of your present position).
To view additional information for a nearby intersection, start from the Nearest 
Intersection Page and follow steps 2 through 4 above. 
Nearest NDB Page
The Nearest NDB Page displays the identifi er, symbol, bearing, distance and frequency to the nine nearest 
NDBs (within 200 nautical miles of your present position). 
To view additional information for a nearby NDB, start from the Nearest NDB Page and 
follow steps 2 through 4 above. 
Nearest VOR Page
The Nearest VOR Page displays the identifi er, symbol, bearing and distance to the nine nearest VORs 
(within 200 nautical miles of your present position). For each VOR listed, the Nearest VOR Page also indi-
cates the frequency and may be used to quickly tune the VLOC receiver to the nearby VOR. The selected 
frequency is placed in the standby fi eld of the VLOC window and activated using the VLOC fl ip-fl op key.
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4/11/2003, 9:05:31 AM