Videoseven nav730 快速安装指南

页码 6
Tap            to replace the previous 
destination with this point.
The V7 Navigation has a map screen for 
both map browsing and navigation. The 
map looks like a conventional road-map. 
The blue arrow represents your current 
position, and the green line shows the 
recommended route.
Tap              to add the point to the end of the route.
If there is an active route, the three data fields at the bottom will display time, distance and other route information. 
Also, the turn preview in the top left corner will display the type and distance of the next maneuver.
All sounds can be muted by tapping           .
The satellite dish icon           opens the GPS Data screen.  
Use the         and          buttons to zoom in or zoom out.
Tap              to see the list of nearby POIs, then tap              to save this point as a new POI.
Using the selected map point
The map screen
If you have moved the map, or modified the zoom level, the           button appears. Tap this button to release the hold 
and return back to your current position and re-enable Smart Zoom.
To save this point as a location of a road safety camera, tap             .
The route itinerary with a list of route maneuvers can be displayed by tapping              .
          is a three-state button. The map can be displayed in three different views according to the state of the button. 
You can select           Overview  , 2D North-up           or 3D track-up.  
Whenever you select a point on the map, 
you can open the cursor menu to set up 
or manage routes. To open the cursor 
menu, tap              :             
To add this point as a stop along your route, tap              .
To save a camera, first select the type of the camera, the direction of the monitored traffic, and set the speed limit. 
The V7 Navigation will warn you when you approach one of these points in the given direction. (Warning: Detecting 
speed cameras may be prohibited by law in certain countries.)