Lexmark X646dte 补充手册

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Simple, efficient and cost-effective prior to CPOE, plus a platform for
additional healthcare solutions
While most healthcare organizations are working to adopt Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE),
acceptance by physicians and other hurdles are slowing the process. The Clinical Assistant not only
functions as a productive, cost-effective interim solution prior to CPOE implementation, but can also
serve as a back-up once installed.
The Physician Order Routing feature integrates with Lexmark’s Queue & View™ solution, an optional
application that allows pharmacists and nurses to view and manage physician orders online.
Lexmark’s Queue and View solution also provides order tracking, logging and storage.
Put Lexmark’s Clinical Assistant “on staff” at your healthcare facility
By seamlessly integrating the versatility and one-touch ease of use of the Lexmark X646dte MFP with a
suite of four powerful healthcare workflow solutions, Lexmark’s Clinical Assistant can help your
healthcare organization streamline processes, improve productivity and reduce medical errors. To put the
Clinical Assistant to work in your facility, contact a Lexmark healthcare industry representative today.
Solutions Overview
Lexmark Clinical Assistant
Clinical Assistant
Forms on Demand
Clincial Assistant
Nursing Station
Clinical Assistant
Pharmacy Printer
Clinical Assistant
Scan to EMR
Orders Routing
Card Copy
Normal Order
STAT Order
One Device, Multiple Solutions
Scan Twice, 
Print Once