Brunton atlas 操作指南

页码 107
Set Local Time command: sets the time for your local time zone.
Advanced Mode command: used to switch from Easy Mode to Advanced
Mode. Easy Mode shows only the most commonly used features to simplify the
interface and simplify operation.
Transfer My Data command: load from or save to an MMC card GPS Data
Files containing waypoints, routes, trails and event marker icons.
Software Info command: shows the product name and software version of the
unit's operating system software, as well as copyright notices.
Easy Mode has three Page displays that represent the three major operating
modes. They are the Satellite Status Page, the Navigation Page and the Map
Page. They are accessed by pressing the 
 key. Pressing 
repeatedly scrolls between the three screens in an endless circular loop.
Satellite Status Page
This Page, shown on page 22, provides detailed information on the status of
Atlas's satellite lock-on and position acquisition. No matter what page you are
on, a flashing current position indicator/question mark symbol and flashing GPS
data displays indicate that satellite lock has been lost and there is no position
confirmed. This page shows you the quality and accuracy of the current
satellite lock-on and position calculation.
Do not begin navigating with this unit until the numbers have stopped
Satellite Page. Left view indicates unit has not locked on to any satellites and
does not have a fix on its position. Center view shows satellites being scanned.
Right view shows satellite-lock on with a 3D position acquired (latitude, longitude
and altitude.)