Genelec 1035b 规格指南

页码 4
The mid and high frequency driv-
ers have field replaceable dia-
phragms and are mounted in a
Soffit (flush) mounting of a loud-
speaker removes problems
caused by diffraction effects and
reflections from the wall behind it:
Diffraction of sound at the loud-
speaker cabinet edges de-
grades the transient response
and directional properties, while
reflections will cause interference,
potentially leading to large dips in
the frequency response. The use
of DCW Technology reduces
these effects to a large extent
and the 1035B has versatile
crossover controls to compen-
sate for variations due to different
speaker positioning.  This allows
it to be used either soffit mounted
or as a free standing unit without
using external equalization, al-
though soffit mounting is recom-
The active crossover network
consists of three parallel band
pass filters, with crossover fre-
quencies at 400 Hz and 3.5 kHz,
and a common balanced input
stage.  All the filters are aligned
for equal phase and group delay
characteristics and are acousti-
cally complementary. The filter
slopes are 24 dB/octave.
To adjust the balance of the driv-
ers to suit a particular acoustic
environment, bass midrange and
treble controls are included,
which adjust the output in 1 dB
steps.  In addition, a 15 kHz 'roll-
off' control and low frequency
roll-off and 'tilt' controls are
present, to allow further refine-
ment of the system response.
The revolutionary Directivity Con-
trol Waveguide Technology is a
means of greatly improving the
performance of a direct radiating
multiway loudspeaker under
normal listening conditions. One of
the basic ideas is to match the
performance of the drivers in terms
of both frequency response and
directivity. This results in smoother
frequency response both on and
off  axis.  Also, due to improved
directivity control, especially in the
midrange frequencies, more direct
sound and less reflected sound is
received at the listening position.
This gives improved stereo
imaging and ensures the system
is less sensitive to differing control
room acoustics than any conven-
tional direct radiator design. The
DCW Technology improves the
drive unit sensitivity by +2 to +6 dB
thus increasing the system
maximum sound pressure level.
The curves above show the effect of the bass, mid and treble level
controls, 15 kHz roll-off control and the bass tilt and roll-off controls
on the free field response, measured at 2 m.
The upper curve group shows the horizontal directivity characteris-
tics of 1035B in its vertical configuration measured at 2 m. The lower
curve shows the low frequency response measured at 0.5 m.
Vertical mounting
the channel
for testing.
Horizontal mounting
The high and mid frequency
drivers are mounted in a DCW
to match their dispersion
characteristics. The DCW may
be rotated for horizontal or
vertical mounting.
The reference axis lies on the
upper midrange driver axis.
Gen 1035B Data Sheet
10.11.2000, 10:08