Citizen ad2992-59p 参考指南

页码 18
[Calculation of fuel consumption]
Q : 
How much fuel is needed for a vehicle to run 5 hours if the fuel consumption rate of 
that vehicle is 7 liters per hour?
A : 
Align 70 of the outer scale with the “” of SPEED INDEX of the inner scale.
Result: 35 liters  - 35 corresponds to 5.
[Calculation of drive time]
Q : 
How many hours can a vehicle whose fuel consumption rate is 8 liters/hour run 
using 40 liters of fuel?
A : 
Align 80 of the outer scale with the SPEED INDEX “” of the inner scale.
Result: 5 Hours - 5:00 on the outer scale corresponds to 40 of the inner scale.