Nikon D200 用户手册

页码 221

 The AF-ON Button
For the purpose of focusing the camera, pressing the AF-
 button has the same eff ect as pressing the shutter-re-
lease button halfway.
 Predictive Focus Tracking
In continuous-servo AF, the camera will au to mat i cal ly ini tiate pre dic tive focus track ing if 
the subject moves while the shutter-release button is pressed halfway or the AF-ON but-
ton is pressed.  In predictive focus tracking, the camera will track focus while at tempt ing 
to predict where the subject will be when the shutter is re leased.
 a1—AF-C Mode Priority (
If  Focus  is selected for Custom Setting a1 (AF-C Mode Priority), photographs can be 
taken in continuous servo-AF only when the camera is in focus.  Note that regardless of the 
setting selected, focus will not lock when the in-focus indicator is displayed.
 a2—AF-S Mode Priority (
If Release is selected for Custom Setting a2 (AF-S Mode Priority), photographs can be 
taken in single servo-AF even when the camera is not in focus.  Note that regardless of the 
setting selected, focus will lock when the in-focus indicator is displayed.
 a5—Lock-On (
This option controls whether the camera immediately adjusts focus to track a subject when 
the distance to the subject changes drastically.
 a6—AF Activation (
If  AF-ON Only is selected for Custom Setting a6 (AF Activation), the camera will only 
focus when the AF-ON button is pressed, not when the shutter-release button is pressed 