Microtek 120tf 参考手册

页码 150
50          Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX for Mac & PC
Toggle for momentary
flashing of White & Black
Zoom in
Zoom out
Zoom in/out
scale status
Auxiliary information and Handy buttons
Prescan image resolution
This shows the image resolution for the current Prescan image. The resolution
will change when the size of  the Preview window changes at the next prescan.
To resize the preview window, drag any side or corner of the window.
Zoom in/out scale
This shows the zoom scale factor (in %) with which the image has been
magnified or shrunk while using the Zoom in or Zoom out icon.
Magnifies image display by a factor of 2. Thus, the magnification level increases
from 100% to 200%, to 400%, and to 800% (to the maximum 1600% for Mac).
Decreases image magnification one level down at each click till the original size
(100%) is reached.
Toggle for momentary flashing of White and Black Markers
When the prescan image is displayed, the White marker (showing the highlight
point of the image) and Black marker (showing the shadow point of the image)
are shown. When you have difficulty locating the markers from the image,
clicking on the Flasher icon will make the markers flash for a few seconds to
catch your attention.
Current prescan
image resolution
Tips on Toolbar tool
currently in use