Microtek 1000xl 参考手册

页码 151
24          Microtek ScanWizard for Macintosh
Color Matching Setup
Color Matching is an important feature of ScanWizard Pro that ensures
consistent color  — from the initial input stage when an image is captured by the
scanner, to the final output stage when the image is output to your monitor or
printer (through either the Kodak CMS or Apple ColorSync™ technology).
Color matching is a critical component in the imaging process, because the color
space of your monitor is different from that of your printer (in terms of output
devices), just as the color space for RGB mode is different from the color space
for CMYK mode (in terms of image types). For this reason, color matching was
developed to allow an equivalent "mapping" of colors from one device or from
one color space to another, ensuring that no major color shifts occur in the
transferrence process.
To use the ScanWizard Pro color matching function:
Set up the Kodak CMS and Apple ColorSync features correctly at the time
that ScanWizard Pro is installed. For more information on this procedure,
refer to your Kodak or Apple system documentation.
The first time you launch ScanWizard Pro, you will be prompted to set up
color matching for your scanner. You may access the color matching
parameters for ScanWizard Pro at any time in the future, however, by
choosing the Color Matching Setup command in the Preferences menu.
ScanWizard Pro includes several industry-standard ICC color profiles