Microtek 1000xl 参考手册

页码 151
46          Microtek ScanWizard Pro for Macintosh
Pane tool
The Pane tool lets you scroll through an overview or prescan image, allowing
you to move parts of the image into view quickly without using the scroll bars.
You can use the Pane tool for scrolling through  zoomed-in images that were
enlarged through the Zoom tool, or for scrolling through parts of an image not
included completely within the frame of the preview window.
To use the Pane tool:
Click the Pane tool.
Move the pointer (now in the form of a hand) to the image. Hold down the
mouse and move the Panel tool left, right, up, or down, and you will see
portions of the image come into view.
Scrolled image
Zoomed-in image