Nortel 1010 用户指南

页码 178
Chapter 4 Configuring user tunnels 83
Nortel VPN Router Configuration — Basic Features 
After selecting a group, you must click on Display to view the group 
members. This allows you to quickly change from viewing one group to 
another. The last names and first names of the selected group’s users appear, 
sorted by last name.
Click on Add to add a user to the group; the Add User window appears.
This window allows you to add a user profile. Only options that are enabled 
for the specified group appear on this window. Also, only options that the 
administrator who is currently viewing the window has rights to appear. A 
user profile includes:
User IDs 
Passwords for the various tunneling protocols
Assignment of administrative rights
An IP address that is always associated with the remote user 
Enter the first and last name of the user whose profile you want to add. This is 
the regular name associated with a person (for example, Mario Smith). This 
user can have different IDs and passwords for each tunnel type. You can move 
the user to a another group by selecting a different group name.
Enter a remote user static IP address to use in place of a pool (client-specified 
or DHCP) server-assigned IP address. This IP address is associated with the 
Note: To configure firewall user authentication, see Nortel VPN Router 
Security — Servers, Authentication, and Certificates
Note: You can assign a user to two different groups, but only if the user 
has two different user IDs. You cannot enter the same user ID in two 
different groups. A user account can have up to four user IDs, depending 
on the group configuration, the account. If you are creating an enterprise 
user ID standard, you should try to avoid schemes that might potentially 
create conflicts as your company grows. For example, you should not use 
the user's full first name and last initial.
Note: The GUI ignores leading and trailing spaces, but these must be 
specified if you then use CLI to edit the user name.