Nortel 2350 参考指南

页码 480
44 Working with the WLAN Management Software User Interface
NN47250-102 (320666-G Version 02.01)
Configuration Wizards
When you click on a task in the Task List panel, WLAN Management Software opens a configuration wizard. For 
example, click on System Setup to open the System Setup wizard for configuring basic switch parameters.
Some wizards contain multiple pages. Click the Next and Previous buttons at the bottom of a wizard to navigate among 
the wizard’s pages. 
The Finish button saves the changes. If applicable, saving the changes also results in the newly configured object 
appearing in a table in the Content panel. The following example shows the Wireless Service Profiles table, which lists 
the SSID configurations on a switch.
The wizards displayed by selecting tasks in the Task List panel allow configuration of settings that are essential or that 
are commonly customized. 
Properties Dialogs
To open a version of the configuration wizard that contains all the configurable settings for the object, even ones that 
rarely need to be changed, select the object in the table, then click Properties