Intermec 6640 参考指南

页码 258
Recovery Procedures
6640 Mobile Computer Technical Reference    7-5
Shared Location Recovery Process
The following instructions list what is needed and tell how
to restore or update the hard drive on the 6640 Computer
via a shared location on the host computer.
Before Reimaging 6640 Computer
Do the following before reimaging a 6640 Computer.
Determine Server Name
To determine the name of the server (or host computer) you
are using to share the 6640 Toolkit CD.
1. From the host computer's Windows desktop, rightĆ
click the Network Neighborhood icon to access the
popĆup menu.
2. Select Properties at the bottom of the popĆup menu
to access the Network" window.
3. Click the Identification tab to access the host comĆ
puter identification information.
The server (or host computer) name is in the Computer
Name field (sample screen on page 4Ć79).
Ensure Enabled File-Sharing
To ensure that fileĆsharing is enabled on the host computer.
1. From Windows desktop, rightĆclick the Network
Neighborhood icon to access the popĆup menu.
2. Select Properties at the bottom of the popĆup menu
to access the Network" window, then click the File
and Print Sharing button to access the File and
Print Sharing" window.
3. Ensure both boxes are checked (sample screen on page
4Ć93).  If not, check both boxes, then click the OK butĆ
ton to save and return to the Network" window.