Acer n30 用户指南

页码 98
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Preparing to use your Acer n30
you can use your handheld for 8 straight hours of operation (backlight inactive) 
before you need to recharge the battery.
To charge your Acer n30
Connect the AC adapter connector to the handheld, then plug the other end of the 
AC adapter into any AC outlet.
Power LED status during charging:
• Charging - LED indicator flashes green
• Charging complete - LED indicator steady green
If the battery level becomes low in the course of normal use, a status icon appears on 
the handheld screen indicating low or very low battery status. Perform an ActiveSync 
operation to back up your data; then recharge the battery.
If your handheld shuts down (i.e., battery is competely drained out) you have about 
72 hours (3 days) to recharge the battery before you lose all data on your handheld’s 
internal memory.
Setting up your Acer n30
After you have initially charged your handheld for three hours, you can now set it up. 
Refer to the instructions below.