Revel m20 用户指南

页码 20
Carpeting the floor area between the speakers and listener and
placing irregular surfaces, such as bookcases, will also help break
up strong reflections. 
Since our ears and eyes are located on the same plane, we can use a
mirror (also known as the “mirror method”) to accurately deter-
mine the most important locations (the first reflection points) for
material treatment, as follows: 
1. After the loudspeakers are placed, the listener should sit in the
prime listening position. 
2. A second person should slide a mirror along the walls. 
3. Note the locations at which the listener can see either of the
loudspeakers. These will be the reflection points that would
require acoustic treatment materials. 
Using this method, find all treatment locations for side walls, front
wall, and rear wall with side walls taking priority. Where possible,
also determine the treatment locations for first ceiling reflections.
Your Revel dealer can recommend acoustic treatment materials,
and can help determine the best plan for your room. If it is a dedi-
cated listening room, qualified room treatment manufacturers or
even acousticians may be consulted for optimum results.
Remember, properly treated rooms provide dramatically better
results with any loudspeakers than untreated rooms. 
Owner’s Manual