Xerox c8 用户手册

页码 80
If a pattern other than zero has the
straightest lines, then select that pattern
on the dialog box. Select Print the
Alignment Test Pattern if you want to
verify the adjustment, then click Align.
If you are not verifying the adjustment,
click Done.
If none of the patterns has straight lines,
then select the pattern that is the closest
(this should be -4 or +4). Make sure
Print the Alignment Test Pattern is
selected and then click Align. Wait for
the alignment test page to print and look
for the straightest lines again.
Print the Alignment Test Pattern
When selected, the alignment test page
will be printed after Align is clicked. It
is recommended that you do this in
order to verify the adjustment. For best
printing you want pattern zero to have
the straightest lines.
Prints a diagnostic sample page
(resident in the printing ROM) that you
can use to determine printer problems.