Xerox pro 16fx 用户指南

页码 158
Fax Specifications
Compatibility: ................................. ITU-T G3
Telephone line:  .............................. PSTN
Dial mode:  ...................................... Pulse (10 pps), tone
Distinctive ringing:  ........................ 6 different patterns available
Modem rate:  ................................... 14,400 bps with automatic fallback to 12,000, 9,600,7,200,
4,800, or 2,400 bps
Compression method:  .................. MH, MR, MMR
Transmission time: ........................ Approximately 6 seconds
Memory: .......................................... 2 megabytes of RAM
Sending document size:  ............... Maximum B4, minimum invoice
Recording paper size:  ................... A4, Letter, or Legal
SPF: ................................................. 30 sheets
Resolution in Text mode: .............. Standard: 203.2 x 97.8 dpi
Fine: 203.2 x 195.6 dpi
Super Fine: 203.2 x 391.2 dpi
Resolution in Half tone mode: ...... 203.2 x 195.6 dpi
Grayscale method (halftone):........ Error diffusion
Grayscale level (halftone): ............. 265 levels
Contrast: ......................................... Light, Medium, Dark
Quick scan:  .................................... 14 pages per minute
Broadcasting: ................................. Destination: maximum of 50 different locations
Destinations: Selected from Rapid key, Speed Dial numbers,
or Group keys
Polling: ............................................ Modes: Polling Others, Polling from memory
Delayed faxing:  .............................. 3 types selectable: Standard, Memory Transmission, or
Polling Others
Anti Junk Fax:  ................................ Up to 10 numbers
Auto Cover Sheet:  ......................... 6 message types selectable: “Urgent,” “Important,”
“Confidential,” “Pls. Distribute,” “Pls. Call Back,” and no
Report:  ............................................ Transaction, power fail, activity (send/receive)
Printable setting lists:  ................... Anti Junk Fax numbers, timer, group, phone number,
optional setting