Samsung CLP-600 用户指南

页码 115
Using Your Printer on a Network (CLP-600N only)
Press the scroll button (
) until you see the 
desired frame type and press the 
Enter button (
Press the On Line/Continue button (
) to return to 
ready mode.
Restoring the Network Configuration
You can return the network configuration to its default settings.
In ready mode, press the Menu button (
) until you see 
“Network” on the bottom line of the display.
Press the Enter button (
) to access the menu.
Press the scroll button (
) until “Default Set” 
displays on the bottom line. Press the 
Enter button (
Press the Enter button (
) to confirm the selection. 
Reboot the network interface card.
Rebooting the Network Interface Card
If you configured the “Netware” or “Config WLAN” menu option, 
the printer will not recognize your change.
In this case, you can simply reboot the network interface card 
without turning your printer off and back on.
In ready mode, press the Menu button (
) until you see 
“Network” on the bottom line of the display.
Press the Enter button (
) to access the menu.
Press the scroll button (
) until “Reset Network” 
displays on the bottom line. Press the 
Enter button (
Press the Enter button (
The printer reboots the network interface card.
Configuring the Wireless Network 
See the instructions supplied with the wireless network 
interface card you purchased.
You can easily configure the wireless network environments 
using the SetIP program in Windows. See the Wireless Network 
User's Guide.
To configure the wireless settings:
In ready mode, press the Menu button (
) until you see 
“Network” on the bottom line of the display. Press the 
Enter button (
) to access the menu.
Press the Enter button (
) when “Config Network” 
displays on the bottom line.
Press the scroll button (
) until “Yes” displays on 
the bottom line. Press the Enter button (
Press the Upper Level button (
Press the scroll button (
) until “Config WLAN” 
displays on the bottom line. Press the Enter button (
Press the scroll button (
) until “Yes” displays on 
the bottom line. Press the Enter button (
You can configure the following items:
SSID: When you select “Search List”, the wireless network 
card on your printer searches for wireless networks in the 
area and shows the results on the list. Select a network from 
the list. You cannot change “Operation Mode”, “Frequency 
Mode”, or “Channel”. 
If you select “Custom”, you can configure the wireless 
settings according to your needs and enter a name of up to 
32 letters for your “Custom” setting. “SSID” is case sensitive, 
so you need to change it carefully. Using the scroll buttons, 
find the letter you want and press the 
Enter button (
When the cursor moves to the next input field, enter the 
following letters the same way you entered the first letter. 
After you have entered the last letter of the name, press the 
Enter button (
) once again to save the ID. The way to 
enter the key number for the encryption key is the same as 
to enter letters.
Operation Mode: “Ad-Hoc” mode allows the wireless 
devices to communicate directly with each other. This is the 
default operating mode for the print server. 
If your network uses an Access Point, you must reconfigure 
the operation mode to “Infra”. “Infra” mode allows both 
wireless and cabled computers to send files to the printer 
through an Access Point. 
Frequency Mode: “802.11a”, “802.11b/g”, or “802.11a/b/
The Samsung print server can be configured to operate in the 
following frequency modes:
- 802.11a mode: The radio uses IEEE802.11a 
- 802.11b/g mode: The radio uses the frequency range 
defined in IEEE802.11g standard(2.4GHz). This mode is 
compatible with IEEE802.11b standard.
- 802.11a/b/g mode: The radio uses the frequency range 
defined in IEEE802.11a and IEEE802.11b/g standard(5GHz 
and 2.4GHz).
The default setting is “802.11a/b/g”.
Channel: This option is available in the “Ad-Hoc” mode only. 
In most cases, you will not need to change this setting. The 
print server will scan all available channels for the specified 
network and will adapt its channel to the one detected.