Infocus IN32 规格指南

页码 8
Some commands have ranges, while others are absolute. If a number greater than the maximum range is 
received, it is automatically set to the maximum number for that function. If a command is received that is 
not understood, a "?" is returned. With absolute settings, "0" is off, 1-9999 is on.  
Here are some other examples. Refer to the projector’s command list for other commands. 
Aspect Ratio 
Sets the aspect ratio to 4:3 
Flip the image for 
ceiling projection 
Enable ceiling projection 
mode. Flips image. 
Power up 
Powers up the projector. 
Power down 
Powers the projector down. 
 To assure the projector can process a command, wait 3 seconds before entering the next 
Error Conditions 
Not all commands are supported for all projectors. If an unsupported command is issued, the command 
will be ignored. If a command is received that is not understood, a character will be returned indicating 
the command was not understood. 
Below is a list of common errors. 
Aspect Ratio 
Too many characters 
Flip the image 
Too many characters. 
Improper command. 
Power Up 
(PWR99999)  ? 
Invalid value. Too many 9s. 
Most programs do not require a line feed after a command.  Using a line feed, may cause the projector to 
respond with a “?” indicating an invalid command.  Commands should respond within seconds of entering 
a command.  If it does not, then there may issues with your connection, syntax or RS-232 software. 
The CLI cannot respond to commands coming in at a high-rate. Therefore, a delay must occur between 
commands to ensure that the command gets properly executed. To assure the projector can process a 
command, wait 3 seconds before entering the next command. 
Some commands may only be valid when the projector is receiving an active computer or video signal.  If 
a setting is not an active feature in the menu, the CLI command will not work.  For example: aspect ratio, 
color and tint are functions that require an active source.