TOA a-9060dh 用户指南

页码 138
10.6. Paging Setting
10.6.1. Paging function
Paging function enables paging broadcasts from the outside to be made to the closed space(s) where the
9000 Series amplifier is used.
To use the paging function, perform the paging function setting as well as the audio input and output
parameter settings.
In the audio input parameter setting, be sure to set the Ducker function to ON. Doing otherwise causes the
paging calls to mix with input signal being broadcast.
Paging calls can be made to up to 4 paging zones to which up to 8 output channels can be assigned.
Output channels can be redundantly assigned to each zone.
When paging calls are initiated using the ZP-001T Zone Paging Module, designate the output channel to be
paged through from an extension telephone. If the output channel is assigned to a paging zone to which other
output channels are assigned as well, the paging calls are output from all the corresponding output channels.
Paging prohibited channels can also be set.
When paging calls are initiated, if an output channel is set as a paging prohibited channel, no paging calls are
made to all of the paging zones to which the output channel is assigned.
Be sure to set the paging input channel to ON. Otherwise, paging calls cannot be performed.