Intel MFS5520VI 用户手册

页码 56
Intel® Compute Module MFS5520VI TPS  
Functional Architecture 
Revision 1.3 
Intel order number: E64311-005 
3.1  Intel
Processor Support 
The Compute Module supports the following processors: 
One or two Intel
 Processor 5500 series with 4.8 GT/s, 5.86 GT/s or 6.4 GT/s 
 QPI link interface and Thermal Design Power (TDP) up to 95 W. 
One or two Intel
 Processor 5600 series with a 6.4 GT/s Intel
 QPI link interface 
and Thermal Design Power (TDP) up to 95 W. 
Previous generations of the Intel
 processors are not supported on the compute module. 
Processor Population Rules 
Note: Although the Compute Module does support dual-processor configurations consisting of 
different processors that meet the defined criteria below, Intel does not perform validation 
testing of this configuation. For optimal performance in dual-processor configurations, Intel 
recommends that identical processors be installed. 
When using a single processor configuration, the processor must be installed into the processor 
socket labeled CPU1. A terminator is not required in the second processor socket when using a 
single processor configuration. 
When two processors are installed, the following population rules apply: 
Both processors must be of the same processor family. 
Both processors must have the same front-side bus speed. 
Both processors must have the same cache size. 
Processors with different speeds can be mixed in a system, given the prior rules are met. 
If this condition is detected, all processor speeds are set to the lowest common 
denominator (highest common speed) and an error is reported. 
Processor stepping within a common processor family can be mixed as long as it is 
listed in the processor specification updates published by Intel Corporation. 
Mixed Processor Configuration 
The following table describes mixed processor conditions and recommended actions for the 
 Compute Module MFS5520VI. Errors fall into one of the following categories: 
Fatal: If the compute module can boot, it pauses at a blank screen with the text 
“Unrecoverable fatal error found. System will not boot until the error is resolved” 
and “Press <F2> to enter setup”, regardless of whether the “Post Error Pause” setup 
option is enabled or disabled. When the operator presses the F2 key on the keyboard, 
the error message is displayed on the Error Manager screen, and an error is logged with 
the error code. The compute module cannot boot unless the error is resolved. The user 
needs to replace the faulty part and restart the system. 
Major: If the “Post Error Pause” setup option is enabled, the compute module goes 
directly to the Error Manager to display the error and log the error code. Otherwise, the 
compute module continues to boot and no prompt is given for the error, although the 
error code is logged to the Error Manager.