LG P690 用户指南

页码 292
   Touch to take another photo 
immediately. Your current 
photo is saved.
   Touch to view a gallery of 
your saved photos. 
Using the advanced 
In the viewfinder, touch 
open all advanced options.
Change camera settings by 
scrolling through the list. After 
selecting the option, touch the 
Back key.
ISO – the ISO rating determines 
the sensitivity of the camera’s light 
sensor. The higher the ISO, the 
more sensitive the camera is. This 
is useful in darker conditions when 
you cannot use the flash. Select 
from ISO values of Auto400, 200 
and 100.
White balance – choose from 
Fluorescent and Cloudy
Colour effect – choose a colour 
tone for your new photo.
Timer – the self-timer allows you 
to set a delay after the capture 
button is pressed. Select Off
3 seconds5 seconds or 10 
. This is ideal if you want 
to be in the photo.
Image quality – choose from 
Super fineFine and Normal
The finer the quality, the sharper 
the photo. However, the file size 
increases as a result, which 
means you can store fewer photos 
in the memory.
Auto review – if you turn Auto 
 on, it automatically shows 
you the picture you just took.
Shutter sound – select one of 
four shutter sounds.
Tag location – activate to use 
your phone’s location-based 
services. Take pictures wherever 
you are and tag them with the 
location. If you upload tagged 