LG GD510 POP silver 用户手册

页码 66
LG GD510  |  User Guide
Speed dialling 
You can assign a frequently-called 
contact to a speed dial number.
1   Select Contacts in the 
COMMUNICATION tab and select 
Speed dials.
2    Your voicemail is already set to 
speed dial 1. You cannot change 
this. Touch any other number to 
assign it with a speed dial contact.
3      Your  Contacts will open. Select the 
contact you want to assign to that 
number by touching their phone 
number once. To find a contact, 
tap the Name field box and enter 
the first letter of the name of the 
contact required.
Making a second call
1   During your initial call, touch
and type the number you want 
to call.
2       Touch 
 to connect the call.
3   Both calls will be displayed on the 
call screen. Your initial call will be 
locked and the caller put on hold.
4   To change between the calls, touch    
 or press the number of the 
held call.
 5   To end one or both calls press 
and select End followed by All
Held or Active.
NOTE: You will be charged for each 
call you make.
Viewing your call logs
Touch Recent history in the     
TIP! Touch any single call log 
entry to view the date, time and 
duration of the call.