Sony PCWA-C800S 手册

页码 81
Registering a network
(Windows 2000 operating system)
When using the Window s 2000 operating system, you must register your netw ork to the Wireless Panel softw are. Once your netw ork is registered, you can
connect to it.
The registration procedure depends on the connection mode you are using.
Access Point Network connection mode
Select the desired access point and register your netw ork. 
Log on as one of the Administrators. You cannot register a netw ork w hen logged on as any other user. 
You can register a combination of 32 access point and peer-to-peer netw orks. 
Double -click  the  Wire le s s  Pane l icon ( 
, or 
) on the  tas k bar.
The Wireless Panel w indow  appears. 
For details about the Wireless Panel icon, refer to 
Click  the  "Ne tw ork  Lis t" tab.
The "Netw ork List" tab displays a list of w ireless netw orks operating w ithin communication range of your computer. This is w here you register w ireless
netw orks. 
If you are using a PCWA-C800S or PCWA-C700, both 802.11b or 802.11b/g (2.4 GHz), and 802.11a (5 GHz) w ireless netw orks are displayed on the
"Netw ork List" tab. 
Double -click  the  acce s s  point you w ant to re gis te r in the  ne tw ork  lis t.
If data encryption (WEP) for the access point that you double-click is disabled, it is registered to the Wireless Panel softw are and connected to the
computer. This completes the registration. If data encryption (WEP) for the access point that you double-click is enabled, a dialog box allow ing you to
enter the encryption key appears. Proceed to step 4. 
Ente r the  acce s s  point e ncryption k e y in the  "Ke y" te xt box. Re -e nte r the  k e y in the  "Confirm  k e y" te xt box, and the n click  "OK". 
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