Sony PCWA-C800S 手册

页码 81
"Setting" tab
Modify the Wireless Panel settings on the "Setting" tab. The information displayed on this tab depends on your operating system. Follow  the link corresponding to
your operating system.
Windows 2000 operating system
"Tas k  Tray Icon"
This area allow s you to change the Wireless Panel icon displayed on the taskbar. 
"Signal Le ve l"
An icon indicating the level of the received signal is displayed on the taskbar. 
"Trans m is s ion Le ve l"
An icon indicating the throughput of the transmission level is displayed on the taskbar. 
"Auto-Conne ct M ode "
This area allow s you to configure the settings related to connecting automatically. 
"Auto-Conne ct M ode "
When "Auto-Connect Mode" is selected and the connection betw een your computer and the netw ork is lost, the Wireless Panel softw are, automatically
reestablishes a connection to the netw ork w ith strongest signal from the registered netw orks. 
Select a priority setting w hen the connection to the netw ork is established automatically. You can select "Not specify Priority", "802.11b/g (2.4 GHz) Priority",
or "802.11a (5 GHz) Priority". You can only make this selection w hen using a Wireless LAN PC Card PCWA-C800S or PCWA-C700. 
"Change  the  TCP/IP s e tup w he n Wire le s s  LAN s e tup is  change d" 
If this check box is selected, w hen the Wireless LAN setup is changed, the TCP/IP settings change to those that w ere configured on the "Advanced" tab. 
"Re s e t" button
Returns the settings you configured on the "Setting" tab to their default values. 
Applies the new  settings. 
Windows XP operating system
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